We, at TRI EFT Alliant, are honored we worked closely with Emotionally Focused Therapy Founder Dr. Sue Johnson. Here is a tribute video made in her honor.

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About EFT and What We Do

What is EFT

is a research proven method for helping couples move from distress to trust and closeness. For a summary of EFT research, click here.

Here at TRI EFT we have a three fold mission to strengthen families through:

  1. Training of students and licensed professionals in the practice of EFT,
  2. Advancing EFT through research and
  3. Providing service to the community.

You will see the execution of this mission represented throughout this site and at the *Alliant Couple and Family Clinic.

TRI EFT is affiliated with the International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy as developed by Dr. Sue Johnson. We are grateful to Sue for her vision, creativity and the message of hope and change she, and the EFT model, offer to couples, individuals and families around the world.

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Attachment Theory In Practice

Learn about Emotionally Focused Therapy and how it can improve your practice across all modalities with this ground-breaking book by Dr. Sue Johnson.

Attachment Theory in Practice: Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) with Individuals, Couples, and Families.

Dr. Sue Johnson

You can learn to use attachment theory in your practice through our training events.